HTML page layout size

Jan 5, 2009
Programming Experience
I have the following code:

 Protected Sub form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles form1.Load
            Dim objDB As New clsDB
            Dim dsrepeater As New DataSet
            Dim sql As String = [String].Empty

            If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

                'Session.Item("DCNo") = lblNo.Text
                If (Session.Item("DCNo") <> "") Then

                End If

                If Request("MenuVisible") = "No" Then
                    pnlSideMenuVisible.Visible = False
                    pnlTopBannerVisible.Visible = False
                    pnlSubBanner.Visible = False
                    ' btnInvoice.Visible = False

                    If Request("Pdf") <> "Yes" Then
                        Dim strScript As String
                        strScript = "<script>"
                        strScript &= " window.print(); "
                        strScript &= "</" + "script>"
                        ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType, "anything", strScript)
                    End If

                End If

                sql = "SELECT Top 93 [content] FROM DC_VendorDetails_Temp "
                sql &= "WHERE DCID='5AC469B3-D421-4B69-A1D6-E748CEE292EA' Order By LineNum;"

                objDB.OpenDataSet(dsrepeater, sql)
                dsrepeater.Tables(0).TableName = "DCAllowance"
                dsrepeater.DataSetName = "DCAllowance"

                Dim a As Integer = 0
                lbl.Text = "<table width=""80%"">"
                For a = 0 To dsrepeater.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1

                    lbl.Text = lbl.Text & "<tr>"
                    lbl.Text = lbl.Text & "<td style=""font-size: 10px;""><pre>" & dsrepeater.Tables(0).Rows(a).Item("Content").ToString()
                    lbl.Text = lbl.Text & "</pre></td>"
                    lbl.Text = lbl.Text & "</tr>"

                lbl.Text = lbl.Text & "</table>"
            End If

        End Sub

        Protected Sub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click
            Dim strScript As String

            strScript = "<script>'" & Session.Item("FormName") & "?id=" & Session.Item("DCID") & "&ArhieveList=" & Session.Item("SelectedMenuItem") _
& "&History=false&MenuVisible=No','cal','width=1200,height=600,left=0,top=0,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no');"
            strScript &= "</" + "script>"

            ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType, "anything", strScript)
            ' documentlog.Add(Session.Item("UserID"), Session.Item("UserCompanyID"), Session.Item("DCID"), Session.Item("DCID"), "DC Allowance", "Print")
        End Sub

Basically, when the user click Print button, it will print out the page after select the data from database, all the codes works fine, but i am having the problem to fix all the data into one page,is there anyway for me to fix all the data to one page during printing using vb/net code?