Question How to view methods of form items?


Active member
Apr 19, 2010
Programming Experience
Quick one guys, How can I view the methods that are hidden within objects please?

For example I have a listview

vbLstVw - But the only method I can seem to access is by double clicking it to get the


But I know theres more! (I don't know what there called, but for example):


please assist!
You can view the properties of the control by using the properties window in design view, or by typing the name of the control and hit the period in code view.

To view the methods, in the code window type the controls name and hit the period, properties and methods show in the intellisense window.

SelectedIndexChanged is an event, to view the events of a control in the properties window click the lightning button or in the code window at the top there's 2 dropdowns. The left one is the controls, so select the control you want and the right one is a list of events you can handle for the selected control in the left one. The one's in bold are the one's you already have an event sub for and selecting it will take you to that code, otherwise selecting a non-bold one will have it create an empty even sub for you.