How to refresh databound controls?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2006
South Africa
Programming Experience
I have two asp:dropdownlists that are databound. I make an update to the database using some or other page or app or whatever and I now want the info in these lists to update. How can I do this? As far I can see I am going to have to manually add the items to the list rather than just refresh them. The problem with that is that the items are no longer sorted. So then how are you supposed to sort the items?

Obviously this can all be done manually but that kind of defeats the purpose of databound controls. I'm pretty sure there is a way to do this that is quick and effective but I'm lank new to the whole ASP.NET/AJAX.NET thing so how this is done I cannot say. Anybody else had similar problems? (I'm sure there must be!)
If I understand right you want the dropdown to refresh itself with the new info that was entered into DB.

One way would be to put a postback on the button or whatever to get the page to refresh.