Question how to put inputed data into a datatable?


Nov 7, 2009
Programming Experience
Hello, I need to put the results of a certain calculation on a datatable, so i can see it on a datagrid, and then save it to a new table on a database, and i'm not being succesful..
I've made the contrary with no problem, i've got data from a table onj a database and populated a datatable and a datagrid with it, but having a datatable populated by data that i input is not it not possible?
would someone please help me understand it?
Thanks in advance,
Well, here it goes..

The problem is on the "SELECT CASE" , where i want to perform a calculation, put the results on the items of "dtCurrListagem", which should be a row of dtList datatable, view it on the datagrid and eventualy save a table on the database with it(this part is not yet writen on code)
hope you can enligth me..


Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Math

Public Class CalcEixo

Private Sub Calcular_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Calcular.Click

Dim ObraDataSet As New DataSet()
Dim drCurr As DataRow
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strList As String
Dim Tipo As String = ""
Dim Pkcurr As Double
Dim Pkini As Double
Dim Pkfin As Double
Dim Desenvolvimento As Double
Dim L As Double
Dim Rumo As Double
Dim P_ini As Double
Dim M_ini As Double
Dim X As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim Dy As Double
Dim Dx As Double
Dim Ang_imp As Double
Dim Dist_imp As Double
Dim Az As Double
Dim Rumo_imp As Double
Dim Raio As Double
Dim pk_n As Double
Dim pk_f As Double
Dim ligacao As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= c:\obra.mdb;"
Dim linha As Integer = 0

Dim odaDiretriz As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim odaListagem As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim dtDiretriz As New DataTable
Dim dtList As New DataTable()
Dim CN As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(ligacao)

Dim drCurrListagem As DataRow
pk_n = CDbl(Me.TextBox1.Text)
pk_f = CDbl(Me.TextBox2.Text)
Dim Intervalo As Double = CDbl(Me.TextBox3.Text)
Pkcurr = pk_n

Dim cont1 As Integer = 0
Dim cont As Integer = 0

strSQL = "Select * From Diretriz" ' Where Pk_ini <= Pkcurr And Pk_fin > Pkcurr"
odaDiretriz = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, CN)

DataGridView1.DataSource = dtDiretriz



drCurr = dtDiretriz.Rows(linha)
Pkini = CDbl(drCurr.Item(0))
Pkfin = CDbl(drCurr.Item(1))
M_ini = CDbl(drCurr.Item(2))
P_ini = CDbl(drCurr.Item(3))
Rumo = CDbl(drCurr.Item(4))
Desenvolvimento = CDbl(drCurr.Item(5))
Tipo = drCurr.Item(6).ToString
Raio = CDbl(drCurr.Item(7))

Catch oexpData As OleDb.OleDbException
Catch osqlData As System.IndexOutOfRangeException

MsgBox("Fora do Projecto, Oh palhaço!!")

End Try

drCurrListagem = dtList.NewRow()

Select Case Tipo

Case "R"
MsgBox("Entrei no select case")
Do While Pkcurr < pk_f

L = Pkcurr - Pkini
Dx = RetaCalcX(L, Rumo)
Dy = RetaCalcY(L, Rumo)
X = Dx + M_ini
y = Dy + P_ini

drCurrListagem("Pk") = Pkcurr
drCurrListagem("M") = X
drCurrListagem("P") = y
drCurrListagem("Rumo") = Rumo


MsgBox("Indice da linha=" & dtDiretriz.Rows.IndexOf(drCurr).ToString & "Pkini=" & Pkini & "Pkcurr=" & Pkcurr & "L=" & L & "Pk_f=" & pk_f & "pkfinal=" & Pkfin)

Catch oexpData As OleDb.OleDbException
Catch osqlData As System.IndexOutOfRangeException

Catch ex As Exception

End Try
Pkcurr += Intervalo
If Pkcurr > Pkfin Then

Exit Do
End If
linha += 1


Case "C"
MsgBox("Entrei no select case")
Do While Pkcurr < pk_f

L = Pkcurr - Pkini
Ang_imp = L / (2 * Raio)
Dist_imp = CDbl(2 * (Sin(Ang_imp) * Raio))
Az = CDbl(Rumo + L / Raio * 200 / 3.141592654)
Rumo_imp = Rumo + CDbl((L / (2 * Raio)) * 200 / 3.141592654)

Dx = RetaCalcX(Dist_imp, Rumo_imp)
Dy = RetaCalcY(Dist_imp, Rumo_imp)
X = Dx + M_ini
y = Dy + P_ini
If Az > 400 Then
Az -= 400
End If

drCurrListagem("Pk") = Pkcurr
drCurrListagem("M") = X
drCurrListagem("P") = y
drCurrListagem("Rumo") = Az

MsgBox("Indice da linha=" & dtDiretriz.Rows.IndexOf(drCurr).ToString & "Pkini=" & Pkini & "Pkcurr=" & Pkcurr & "L=" & L & "Pk_f=" & pk_f & "pkfinal=" & Pkfin)
Catch oexpData As OleDb.OleDbException
Catch osqlData As System.IndexOutOfRangeException


End Try
Pkcurr += Intervalo
If Pkcurr > Pkfin Then

Exit Do
End If
linha += 1


Case "CL"
MsgBox("Entrei no select case")

Do While Pkcurr < pk_f
Dim S As Double
Dim TG As Double
Dim Dx_cl As Double
Dim Dy_cl As Double
L = Pkcurr - Pkini
S = L ^ 2 / (2 * Raio * Desenvolvimento)
Dx_cl = CalcClx(L, S)
Dy_cl = CalcClY(L, S)

Ang_imp = Tan(Dy_cl / Dx_cl)
Rumo_imp = Rumo + (Ang_imp * 200 / 3.141592654)

Dist_imp = Sqrt(Dx_cl ^ 2 + Dy_cl ^ 2)
TG = Rumo + S * 200 / 3.141592654
If TG > 400 Then
TG -= 400
End If
Dx = RetaCalcX(Dist_imp, Rumo_imp)
Dy = RetaCalcY(Dist_imp, Rumo_imp)
X = Dx + M_ini
y = Dy + P_ini

MsgBox("Indice da linha=" & dtDiretriz.Rows.IndexOf(drCurr).ToString) ' & "Pkini=" & Pkini & "Pkcurr=" & Pkcurr & "L=" & L & "Pk_f=" & pk_f & "pkfinal=" & Pkfin)

drCurrListagem("Pk") = Pkcurr
drCurrListagem("M") = X
drCurrListagem("P") = y
drCurrListagem("Rumo") = TG


Catch oexpData As OleDb.OleDbException
Catch osqlData As System.IndexOutOfRangeException


End Try
Pkcurr += Intervalo
If Pkcurr > Pkfin Then

Exit Do
End If
linha += 1


Case "CLS"
Do While Pkcurr < pk_f
Dim S As Double
Dim TG As Double
Dim Dx_cl As Double
Dim Dy_cl As Double

L = Pkcurr - Pkfin
S = L ^ 2 / (2 * Raio * Desenvolvimento)
Dx_cl = CalcClx(L, S)
Dy_cl = CalcClY(L, S)

Ang_imp = Tan(Dy_cl / Dx_cl)
Rumo_imp = Rumo + (Ang_imp * 200 / 3.141592654)

Dist_imp = Sqrt(Dx_cl ^ 2 + Dy_cl ^ 2)
TG = Rumo + S * 200 / 3.141592654 + 200
If TG > 400 Then
TG -= 400
End If
Dx = RetaCalcX(Dist_imp, Rumo_imp)
Dy = RetaCalcY(Dist_imp, Rumo_imp)
X = Dx + M_ini
y = Dy + P_ini

MsgBox("Indice da linha=" & dtDiretriz.Rows.IndexOf(drCurr).ToString) ' & "Pkini=" & Pkini & "Pkcurr=" & Pkcurr & "L=" & L & "Pk_f=" & pk_f & "pkfinal=" & Pkfin)

drCurrListagem("Pk") = Pkcurr
drCurrListagem("M") = X
drCurrListagem("P") = y
drCurrListagem("Rumo") = TG


Catch oexpData As OleDb.OleDbException
Catch osqlData As System.IndexOutOfRangeException


End Try
Pkcurr += Intervalo
If Pkcurr > Pkfin Then

Exit Do
End If
linha += 1


End Select

Loop While Pkcurr < pk_f

DataGridView1.DataSource = dtList

End Sub
End Class
