Question how to protect my cd from illegal copying


New member
Feb 7, 2010
Programming Experience
hi all , i finished my project and i am going to distribute it , one of the most diffecult obstacles which face me is how to protect my cd which contain my project from illegal copying ... i searched in all forums and web sites but i can't reach to my need :confused:........ i hope to fined the solution of this proplem here
i am waiting you answers .

, Thank you :D
Ziad A.elnaggar
microsoft doesn't need to protect it's productions as it is a big corporation --- and there are not any thing possiple .... and thank you
Simply you canno't but you can protect in an illegal way your software... as the sony did!
Well for example, create a code that will search at processes and if find nero or any process that will using a speciffic library it will kill it the user will be unable to copy your cd...of course someone that will use another operating system will be able...

The hole issue is that if you could protect your cd we could protect our softwares from debuggers like olly and unpackers...but you just cannot, you simply make the crackers life difficult and you hope!!!