Question How to make exe


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2010
Programming Experience

I have a windows forms application and I would like to make it executable in order to run on other machines. Bytheway I m using 2010.

Is there a way to do it?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards
No .Net application can run without .Net Framework installed.

I think you should have a look through the pages in Project properties, here you will find for example in Compile tab where the VS build outputs the exe, there is also a Publish tab with settings for creating a ClickOnce deployment.
Is it enough to install .net framework in order to run exe on a different computer? Its wierd that, we installed .net framework 4 on a computer than copy exe files from debug directory to the target computer, windows forms app. works but somehow Its not working properly.I mean the results of the app. differs from when I run app. on my computer (which I develeoped app.) and the target computer that we installed .net framework 4. All the inputs to the app. are same but somehow results are different?!

How can I fix this?

Best Regards
Your app could have other dependencies. Using proper deployment options like ClickOnce or Setup Project will for the most common scenarios take care of that.
There could of course be other problems in code as well, that don't work in target environment, especially relating to file paths and access rights.