How to insert an Image into a RichTextBox?


Mar 17, 2012
Programming Experience
I want to know how to insert an image/images into a RichTextBox, that the user specifies while the application is running...

Thank you !
You can use Clipboard.SetImage and RichTextBox.Paste methods to do this. Image.FromFile method if user specifies a image file.
You can use Clipboard.SetImage and RichTextBox.Paste methods to do this. Image.FromFile method if user specifies a image file.

Well, I have used the following code:
Dim Open As New OpenFileDialog
Open.Filter = "png|*.png"

Dim strFileName As Image = Image.FromFile(Open.FileName)

where document is the name of my RichTextBox .... the problem now is that when I close my editor the image that i inserted disappears >< ... How can I fix this?
when I close my editor the image that i inserted disappears
What does this mean? Are you asking how to save rtf file?
Inserting an image into a Rich Text Box

Hello All!
Well I'm having a probelm with the insertion of an image into the RichTextBox ... I can insert it into the RTB but when I save the file and try to open it once again the image won't appear... how can I fix this?


Dim Open As New OpenFileDialog
Open.Filter = "png|*.png"

Dim strFileName As Image = Image.FromFile(Open.FileName)

Knowing that document is the name of my Rich Text Box...
Did you follow my previous advice to use SaveFile method? Did you use LoadFile method to load file? I have of course tested this and know it works...
Did you follow my previous advice to use SaveFile method? Did you use LoadFile method to load file? I have of course tested this and know it works...

Well I have, because i'm implementing a function for the saving, & it contains what you've explained, just as follows:
Dim Save As New SaveFileDialog
Dim myStreamWriter As System.IO.StreamWriter
Save.Filter = "RichTextFormat (RTF Files)|*.rtf|Text (*.txt)|*.txt|HTML (*.html*)| *.html| PHP (*.php)|*.php*|All Files (*.*)|*.*"

Save.CheckPathExists = True
Save.Title = "Save File"

myStreamWriter = System.IO.File.AppendText(Save.FileName)

Catch ex As Exception

But the main problem is for saving the image, for instance if i have included a text with the image and save the file, when i re-open it the text is there but not the image!
No, you haven't.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience ... but this is how I used the three things you mentioned > user specifies the image, clipboard saving and pasting it to the Rich Text Box :
Dim strFileName As Image = Image.FromFile(Open.FileName)

The previous reply is for the saving ... could you explain your idea more please?
I'm telling you to use the SaveFile/LoadFile methods, what is there to explain? There is even code samples in documentation, and I even posted documentation link online for you.
I'm telling you to use the SaveFile/LoadFile methods, what is there to explain? There is even code samples in documentation, and I even posted documentation link online for you.
Yes you have, thank you so much... i wasn't paying attention and i'm new at :encouragement: