How to get the Font Family Name from Selected Font?


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Programming Experience
Dear Readers,
I need to help from u.
I need to know Font-Family Name from Selected Font. I search but I m not able to find solution to this. So please help me on this issue which will helps me lot.
I am using VS2008. VB.NET as a Code behind .

Eg: If I select Arial Black, then I want to know FamilName (Arial)

Advance Thanks

Ranjith Manoharan
Dear John,

I try with link, but still i am not able to get font family name.(it displays all the Installed Font)

in Arial we having Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow. But all this are from Arial Family. (its correct or not?). if i select any one of this i need Arial as Family Name. Weather its possible or not.

Font has FontFamily property, which has Name property. theFont.FontFamily.Name
Font.FontFamily Property (System.Drawing)
FontFamily.Name Property (System.Drawing)
I am having unicode tamil value in my access db, i need to convert that unicode value into selected font value. for converting i am having script in XML. if i select a font then i want to know font family then its easy for me to map with xml to convert. So please help me on this.

Or Do u have any suggestion to convert unicode value to font value (Tamil). Please be inform i am in big trouble. please help me....
I'm not sure if you can get "Arial" out of "Arial Black" because "Arial Black" is the font family (the char set) for "Arial Black".

I guess you could do some parsing if you need to categorize it into a group of families, like an "Arial" group for: Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow