Question How to Display Web Page with No Active Content?


New member
Aug 5, 2011
Programming Experience
I have created a windows form application which goes through Internet Explorer index.dat files and extracts various information (URL's , date they were last accessed etc). I then display this information in a data grid view. From here i would like to be able to click on a URL link and open the web page without activating any active content (such as java script, activex, viruses etc). I have tried to do this using Internet explorer in 'offline mode' with the problem being if the web page requires an online connection it automatically changes Internet Explorer from 'work offline' to online mode. Is there a way around this problem? Or does anyone have any suggestions on a better way to view the web pages with no active content?

Web Browser Control Working Offline

  1. Is there a way to work the web browser control for viewing off-line (Cached web pages) only?
  2. Is it possible to view cached web pages from IE9 on a web browser control off-line?
The reason i am asking this question is because IE9 automatically switches from off-line mode to on-line mode when it cannot find something in the cache by default.

For forensic purposes this is not acceptable for these reasons:
  1. Active content (Viruses, java script, activex cookies etc) could be downloaded to the machine
  2. The web page may have been updated since the user last visited the web page