How to display a URL in a contentplaceholder??


Jun 14, 2005
Renton, WA
Programming Experience
I'll preface this by saying that I know next to nothing about

I've created a basic webpage in .NET with an Infragistics menu on the left side, and a contentplaceholder on the right side. The user should select a menu item (which would be a link to something) and that page should display in the contentplaceholder. Prior to 2005, I would simply add a frameset and tell it to display in the appropriate frame. What's going on now with Master/Content pages to make this so difficult??

I've found one reference online to doing this and it involved Streamreader and webrequests--and I couldn't get it to work.

(*hitting my head against the wall).

Please, can anyone tell me a fairly simple way to accomplish this?

Thank you!!
The Master page is meant to house the common features of the website; the header, footer, and menu, for example. You add ContentPlaceHolders in the areas where you want the "different pages" to load. Then you can add webForms that utilize the MasterPage. These webforms will be fragments of a page; a page declaration and Content controls representing the ContentPlaceHolders in the MasterPage (by having the ContentPlaceHolderID attribute set to the name of the ContentPlaceHolder).

There are tutorials and videos at that explain in more detail.
This one for example: Lesson 6: Working with Stylesheets and Master Pages