Question How to deploy my first program...


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Programming Experience
I just created my first visual basic program, I'm still very ignorant in the program tbh.
I'm trying to make the program available to other people.
I uploaded it to here...
MH Tri calc: Gunn's MH Tri Damage Calculator
It loads fine on my pc with vb installed, but on other pc's it gives a missing .net framework error.

How can I package it so that others without that framework can use it?
Also how can I embed it into a google site like that so people dont have to DL it.

I'm sure the right search would turn up this information but I guess I just don't really know how to phrase it to find an answer because so far I haven't been able to.

Thanks in advance.
Everyone who uses your app must have the .NET Framework installed, and they will have to have installed at least the version you compiled your project against. From your profile, that means .NET 4.0. You can build an installer for your app that will automatically install the correct Framework version before installing your app. If you're using VB Express then that means ClickOnce publishing, or you can also use Windows Installer in other VS editions. The default target for .NET 4.0 is the client profile, which is smaller than the full Framework. If you use features not included in the client profile though, you need the full Framework.

You also have the option of downgrading your project to an earlier Framework version, if you aren't using an features specific to 4.0. Many users will already have those earlier versions installed, e.g. Win7 has 2.0 to 3.5 installed by default. For those who don't, a download and install will still be required though.

If you have created a Windows app then it must be run on a Windows machine. If you want to run an app over the web then you need to create a web app in the first place, which might mean Silverlight. You can then host your app on a web server somewhere. Otherwise, everyone must download it. I think you might need to do a bit more research on what is and isn't possible with programming and different types of applications.