how to create .msi and .exe file


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2007
Programming Experience
First I go to File - > Add ->New Project -> Setup Wizard (called the file SetUpTest)
(after that I follow instruction, on first choosing screen I choose Create a setup for Windows application, on second choosing screen I checked primary output from Root Cause Update).
This works fine and seem to be doing ok, but when I click finish I don't see any .msi or .exe file in the 'debug' folder of 'SetUpTest Folder'. All i see in the 'SetUpTestFolder' is the file called SetUpTest.vdproj and nothing else. am I using a right one for creating an .msi and .exe file? I thought what I am doing is right, but I did not. Please help.
Is the project included in Builds? See Configuration Manager dialog from Build menu. Here you select active configuration for example "Debug" or "Release" and which solution projects that are built. Usually a setup project is only included in Release configuration.
I see nowhere in your post that you're actually compiling the program. You have to compile it or debug before it will build the .exe
in my project, in the bin -> debug folder there is an .exe file, but it only run in my computer. I want to create an application which allow to installed in others computer, and be able to run it (like an.msi or .exe or something). I got error when change from Debug to Release. I give me error Ora 12560-TNS:protocol adapter error.
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I got it, I need to check the debug check box in the Build -> Configure. That solve the problem. Thank you for all your help
I've done everything in this thread. But when I install, all I get is an empty directory. What am I missing? This is my first install in VB.NET. VB6 used to be so easy.