How to change the title text of an MDI container?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2006
South Africa
Programming Experience
*scratch* I've used MDI forms in the past, so I know the basics and navigation, etc. The bugger of it all is I don't know how to set the text of the MDI container to NOT include the MDI child's title.

So if A is the MDI container and B is the MDI child then the title displays A - . This is a bit of a nusiance because I have a 'background' form which hides the ugliness that is the background of the MDI container and this form is called Welcome. Now whenever the app starts up it proudly displays App - [Welcome]! Is there any way to change this text to just display App? I've tried the changing the MDI container's title but it helps not. I've searched for other properties but can't find any that help.

So if anyone has an idea on how to do this then please share it with me! I know its only a minor thing but it does lessen the quality of the app.
I dont encounter this problem...
Maximize the child form and you will see the "problem".

UncleRonin, solution is setting child form Text empty "".