How to bind data adapter to more than one form


New member
Feb 9, 2006
Programming Experience
I have a big table in Access. I need to be able to bind a data adapter to more than one form. Is there a way to do this?
YEs... but you shouldn't be binding the adaptor itself.... if you are binding, it should be to the datatable/dataset.

If you declare your dataset in a module as protected (or friend)... then it will be available to all your forms. Then it's simply amatter of running the binding commands to get it all hooked up.


do i create a new module like this:
Module Module1
dim dataset1 as new dataset
End module

Im confused. Then how would I call it on the other form. Say I had a form1 and form2 and then would I have to write a lot of code to tie it in to the text controls?