how to add row by row in datagridview


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2007
Programming Experience
I have DataGridView and Dataset.
1. I want to add data from dataset to datagridview row by row and not by using DataGridView.DataSource method.
2. I want to do search on the Datagridview. I know if I use datagridview.datasource methos, and when I click datagridview, go to data I can search by using fillby. but if i fill datagridview row by row. I can't not use same method, but I want to be able to do search but don't know how.

Is anyone know how to do it? Thank you all.
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Do you mean you want to filter rows and show them in DataGridView? If yes, actually you can use BindingSource to bind DGV with DataTable. Then you can use select method to do filtering.

MyDataTable.Select("column = 'value'")
Do you mean you want to filter rows and show them in DataGridView? If yes, actually you can use BindingSource to bind DGV with DataTable. Then you can use select method to do filtering.

MyDataTable.Select("column = 'value'")
You wouldn't do that. You'd just bind the DataTable itself to the BindingSource and then set the BindingSource's Filter property:
myBindingSource.Filter = "column = 'value'"
I have DataGridView and Dataset.
1. I want to add data from dataset to datagridview row by row and not by using DataGridView.DataSource method.
Why? Better to have a column called "ShowInGrid" that is boolean and set it to true/false, then set the filter expression to "[ShowInGrid]"

2. I want to do search on the Datagridview. I know if I use datagridview.datasource methos, and when I click datagridview, go to data I can search by using fillby. but if i fill datagridview row by row. I can't not use same method, but I want to be able to do search but don't know how.

Is anyone know how to do it? Thank you all.

FillBy uses the database to search and then downloads a complete list of rows retrieved from the query. This is NOT the same as filtering, which uses client side logic to determine what to show
Do you mean you want to filter rows and show them in DataGridView? If yes, actually you can use BindingSource to bind DGV with DataTable. Then you can use select method to do filtering.

MyDataTable.Select("column = 'value'")

As JMC partly points out, Select returns an array of rows that match a criteria; calling it on it's own will have no effect, in the same way that calling yTextBox.Text.Replace("abc", "def") will NOT cause every occurence of abc in the text box to become def in the text box).
Select() isnt normally used to filter datatable rows for display in a grid, use .Filter method of the DataView or BindingSource in use.

It is recommended that Filters are removed in the FormClosing event to prevent an exception relating to the datatable being disposed of

Additionally, youre best off enclosing the column name in [ brackets ]