How to add a label into a listbox?


New member
Apr 28, 2013
Programming Experience
alright so what im trying to do is get a label inside a listbox to scroll up when i click my button on my form. The problem is that the label is ontop of the listbox and when i click the button the label keeps going up higher up into the form, it does not hide after the listbox ends.

this is my label code(timer1):

If Label1.Top = -Label1.Height Then
Label1.Top = Label1.Height
Label1.Top -= 1
End If

i just want a words to go up inside my listbox when i click button1 =/.
help please!!
i neeed this asap!!
Thanks <3
What you're trying to do is almost certainly misguided. If you want something in the ListBox then put it in the ListBox. Please explain exactly what you're trying to achieve, rather than how you're trying to achieve it, and we can probably suggest a much better solution. It might involve custom-drawing the items or handling some events or even Windows messages but it won't be a hack like that.