Question How suppress this popup in my webbrowser ?


Nov 9, 2012
Programming Experience
How suppress this popup/error in my webbrowser ( visual basic ) ?

Have you tried setting e.Cancel in NewWindow event ?
How about ScriptErrorsSuppressed property?
It may look terrible, but my only success until today was using this small module, it works with Javascript alert dialogs:

Friend Module Liberator
    Private WithEvents TimerLiberator As System.Timers.Timer
    Private TextsLiberator As String(), CountLiberator As Integer, IndexLiberator As Integer, WebBrLiberator As WebBrowser
    Friend Sub StartLiberator(ByRef web_browser As WebBrowser, ByVal timeout As Double, ParamArray texts() As String)
        WebBrLiberator = web_browser : CountLiberator = texts.Count : IndexLiberator = 0 : TextsLiberator = texts
        If texts.Count = 0 Then TimerLiberator = Nothing : Exit Sub
        TimerLiberator = New System.Timers.Timer(timeout)
    End Sub
    Private Sub ExecuteLiberator(sender As Object, e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles TimerLiberator.Elapsed
            Dim BooleanIsBusy As Boolean = WebBrLiberator.IsBusy
            TimerLiberator.Stop() : TimerLiberator.Start()
            Exit Sub
        Catch ex As Exception
            IndexLiberator += 1
            If IndexLiberator = CountLiberator Then
                TimerLiberator = Nothing : WebBrLiberator = Nothing : CountLiberator = 0 : IndexLiberator = 0 : TextsLiberator = {}
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module

And then, whenever I do something upon the WebBrowser that I know it will result in a Javascript Window, I shoot it just before, this way:

StartLiberator(MyWebBrowser, 5000, "{ESC}")

So, after 5 seconds, it will test if WebBrowser is in a thread-frozen state (then trying to get WebBrLiberator.IsBusy raises an error) and so an "ESC" or "ENTER" is sent via SendKeys.

Sure it is a kludge, and it might violate almost every rule of good programming, but it may be worth a try, it if you want. And I thank any suggestion that helps me to perfect this tool upon the same principles.
If this is only for one particular page template, you could download the HTML, search for the offending tag(s) or script(s), remove them, then pass the filtered HTML back to the browser.

As a more "universal" solution, you could override the onbeforeunload handler via javascript by adding "window.onbeforeunload = function() {}" in a key script (it has to run once per page loaded, and after all the init scripts and style sheets are ran...).

Here's an example that can be run by greasemonkey on firefox, or simply run on the page by adding it to the page as stated above:

// ==UserScript==
// @namespace
// @author        Stephen Chapman
// @name          Exit Block Blocker
// @description   Blocks onbeforeunload
// @include       *
// ==/UserScript==

var th = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.innerHTML = "window.onbeforeunload = function() {}";
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