how many IE shell processes are running


May 23, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi All!

I'm here again asking for some info cause I'm about to pull my hair out,,,,,
It seem that C++ is allot different than anything I'm finding
for examples on the internet,,,;en-us;176792
How to connect to a running instance of Internet Explorer

I was looking over the article above and I'm at a loss on getting the C++ part working ..........

they are saying put things here and there but I have no idea where the where is.....

You all helped me with the same thing using and it work great,, So I started in the same spot for C++ but things are not going!!!!!!!!!!

Any thing that would tell how to understand what the where is would be helpful...

I tried to moving these things around here and there but every where I put it the complier kicked it out.......

#import <mshtml.dll> // Internet Explorer 4.0x
#import <mshtml.tlb> // Internet Explorer 5
#import <shdocvw.dll>

SHDocVw::IShellWindowsPtr m_spSHWinds;


I even tried adding the ref
To run the following code, it is necessary to add a reference to "Microsoft Internet Controls" (Shdocvw.dll) and "Microsoft HTML Object Library" (Mshtml.dll) to the Visual Basic project:

Needless to say I will assume cause I had no idea how to get the above working you know the rest took a *)^&^


and again I'm using VS pro 2005 this time I'm playing with C++
whoops sorry if I'm confused
anyway how do you know of any great VS pro C++ forums...
or a good site with examples that work.....

LOL I'm not looking for completed code.. Just a like kick in A^& to get going. cause it seems all I get for hits is the C++ old style and not C .net stufff
