How I display full form with different screen solution?


Active member
Jan 2, 2010
Programming Experience
I have a form with full of objects & fix in 1020 & 800 screen solution, but if I set screen solution to 800 x 640 (to see more clear other applications) then my form show mising the right & bottom parts

1. Can VB show with auto-adjustment screen (auto show the form smaller to be fit)?

2. My form somehow can be set with Horizontal & Vertical slide (or some thing similiar) so the user can see the rest?

Thanks in-advanced :confused:
Form has a AutoScroll property, that causes scrolls to appear when form size is smaller than it's contents.

Unless your design requires absolute sizes of controls you should configure layout dynamically. The controls in Containers section in Toolbox help you arrange child controls. Layout section of Properties window provides several options to dynamically layout each control. These features is something you should familiarize yourself with, it's a basic knowledge in form design.
You are right, although I did try before posting my measge, but I forgot to set AutoSize = True, therefore my form didn't show the Scroll slide even I set the size smaller than it suppose to be

Now it works as I wanted, thanks :D