Sergio Luiz
I don't have much experience, and I have to make a POST with Basic Ath with username and password, data with json.
I made a function, but in the response of the authentication error "401Unauthorized"
I made a function, but in the response of the authentication error "401Unauthorized"
my code:
GIdSwEntregador = "1234598"
GBoxUsados = "001-002"
GIDEntrega = "130471"
GLockerName = "Locker Loja Conceito"
cPathImg = "C:\LOCKER\TNLECommerce10P\R2021TESTE.jpg"
cUsername = "occ_invoker"
cPassword = "lojaConceito2"
c.token = "bc814c9deaea266e4"
c.codEntrega = Val(Trim(GIdSwEntregador))
c.campoLivre1 = ""
c.campoLivre2 = "Box Usados : " & Trim(GBoxUsados)
c.dataRetirada = "12/12/2012"
c.horaRetirada = "12:12:12"
c.senha = GIDEntrega
c.observacao = "Deposito Efetuado - Locker : " & Trim(GLockerName)
c.Imagemjpg = Image.FromFile(cPathImg)
lWriteApiok = False
Dim RestURL As String = ""
Dim handler As HttpClientHandler = New HttpClientHandler() With {.Proxy = New WebProxy(""), .UseProxy = False}
Dim client = New HttpClient(handler)
Client.BaseAddress = New Uri(RestURL)
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(New MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"))
Dim byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cUsername & ":" & cPassword)
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = New System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray))
Dim JsonData As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(c, Formatting.Indented)
Dim RestContent As New Http.StringContent(JsonData, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
Dim RestResponse As Http.HttpResponseMessage = Await client.PostAsync(RestURL, RestContent)