How do u open datagrid details in a seperate form


New member
Apr 25, 2007
Programming Experience
Im fresh to 2.0 and kinda stuck.

I have a datagridview with data in it. What i want to do is click on a column so all the data with in the colum shows in a new form in text boxes.

for example i want to click on Custmer ID in the datagridview and a new form should open with all Customer ID ie customer name, address, telephone number and blah blah...

Can any of you experts help me.

Thank in Advance

P.s im trying to make a window application not a web application
take a read of the dw2 link in my sig, either the section on passing data between forms, OR the section on creating a form to search data

in the search style, you would pass the ID of the customer to the second form, and it will then go and look it up itself

i.e. first form:

select name, id from customer

then when they double click an item:

select * from customer where id = @id

put the id in, and youre away.

If this is greek right now, read the dw2 link on creating a form to search data and it will become clear! :D