How do I view the code?

New member
Jul 11, 2010
Programming Experience
I have been asked to help a friend who has an XML import process and wants to make a change but the designer is gone.

The following files appear to be in the "project"


The server scheduler calls the project.exe file twice a day, so I am pretty sure this contains the application that parses the imported XML file. However, I do not know how to view the code contained in this file? When I go to Visual Studio I can open the project.sln file but I cannot see the code. The project.exe.config file contains location information on where to find the XML file as well as connection information to the SQL databases so the data can be stored.

However, I cannot view the code itself. Can you help me understand how to open the project so I can modify the code? Thank you very much.

Best regards,
There is no source code there. The SLN file is the solution, which basically just manages projects. The SUO file is the local solution settings, like what files to open when opening the solution. The other three are output files, i.e. what gets produced when the project is compiled. There's no project at all though. There's no project file, i.e. VBPROJ file, and there's no source code, i.e. VB files. If this friend expects you to do anything with their project then they need to provide you with their project. Simply create a new project and you'll see what files it should contain.
copy of "sln" file

The sln file is very sparse...

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
# Visual Studio 2008
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE

Is there a reference to a file that I can go look at?

Thank you for the reply
Like jmc said, you have the solution file and the compiled files. You need them to send you the actual source code files.
Reverse engineering

Thank you, although I was afraid this was going to be the answer. The developer of the code is no longer available and he did not leave a copy of the source. Is there anyway to "reverse engineer" the executable to extract the logic of the code?

Best regards,