How do I publish a module?


Mar 24, 2007
Programming Experience
Here is the problem. I have created a database using access for work. I didn't want to use access, I wanted to use with an oracle backend, it just wasn't in the budget. Now I need to encrypt some of the information in the database and I don't see that function with in access. I created a function to encrypt and decrypt strings and need to publish it so that I can reference it within access. Is this possible? I tried to search for this but came with nothing except how to write/read data to tables.

I don't get what you are trying to do accomplish here... but here's my answer:

If you use vba within access then the answer is yes, you can do this with a little bit of work. But you mentioned you want to use access as backend solution only (correct me if I am wrong here guys) so that would throw this option out the window.

And now my question for you: If you already using as the frontend and got the functions setup, why not use them in (as in encrypting the strings and then send them to access) ? why are you going the extra mile to put the code in the db?
No, I'm using access as the frontend and backend. I wanted to do it differently, but it wasn't my choice. That is why I want to reference to the code to encrypt the data.

Basically I want to be able to use the function I wrote in vba.
Ok, I have gotten it to work, but I cannot move the dll file to another folder on a file server. How do I make this available for everybody to use?
GAC is only valid for native .Net libraries, this is a COM library. You do as the article says tick "register for COM" to register it on local machine, and to register on other machines you have to use RegAsm.exe with the type library option /tlb.
GAC is only valid for native .Net libraries, this is a COM library. You do as the article says tick "register for COM" to register it on local machine, and to register on other machines you have to use RegAsm.exe with the type library option /tlb.

Sorry such a late reply to this, I have been out of the office. I could not get it to register for COM on any other machine. I can't get RegAsm.exe to work at all. I have tried looking online and creating .bat files to do and they do not work at all. I have tried writing a program to edit the registry and that doesn't work. I have tried creating a .reg file and running it and it says it is complete, and it creates the entry in the registry, but there is no value for it. I don't know what to do. Please help.
I get an error messages and all it says is "Microsoft .NET Assembly Registration Utility has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

System.TypeInitializationException was unhandled
Message: The type initializer for 'RegAsm.RegAsm' threw an exception.
It could mean you call wrong Regasm version, for .Net 2.0 you call it from (default) path C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727. I find close nothing on the internet in relation to the info you have posted.
Maybe there is another problem also, a fileserver (just remembered you mentioned that) isn't a trusted location by the .Net clr, so you would probably have to make security configuration changes for anything .Net related to work outside teh local machine. Finally I'm not sure if a COM library is allowed to be registered when placed in a non-fixed local drive like a network.