Question How do I Drag-Drop multi-selected values from a listbox?


Active member
Oct 5, 2011
Programming Experience
I have a form with a datagridview and a listbox on it. I want to be able to select multiple items from the listbox and drag-drop them onto a row on the DGV.

I have been able to do it fine with a single string usig the mouse_down event on the listbox. It does not work with a multiple selection since the mouse_down event happens before the item is actually selected.

Also, if I hold the mouse down and try to drag, the from stays in a selection routine and ignores the mouse_leave event.

Is what I am trying to do even possible?
I changed to a ListView control instead of using a ListBox. The ListView has a ItemDrag event that triggers as soon as a drag is started. It works perfectly for my purposes. ListBox does not have that event.
You could have made it work with a ListBox. Just because the MouseDown event occurs before the item is selected does not mean that you couldn't work out what item(s) would be selected once the selection is processed.