Question how can i set my application to Choose froom ...


Feb 6, 2013
Programming Experience
Hi vbdotnetforums I want the program to choose a country From the drop-down menu

The code source of that page :

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Do a web search for these terms: webbrowser select dropdown
Use a ComboBox control. Add the country names to the Items(Collection) property. Add "Select country" to the Text property.
User clicks the down arrow and makes a selection. If no selection was made, the value of the SelectedIndex is -1.
In your code, use a Select Case block for the text of the Combobox items, and assign the option value you require after each case, which would be the text of the selected item - the country.
For example:

Select Case cboCountry.Text
Case Austria
optionval = 01143
I've edited topic

And done a fairly poor job of it I'm afraid, as evidenced by the fact that you got two very different replies. I think JohnH is on the right track. Are you saying, without actually saying, that you have a WinForms app with a WebBrowser control on a form in which you open a web page and you want your app to be able to select an item from that drop-down list on the page? If so then that's what you should have said. In experience in writing code does not equate to inexperience in describing things to other people. We've all been doing that our whole lives so don't stop now. Don't assume that we'll fill in the blanks. Make the effort to leave as few blanks as possible in the first place.