Question How can i make my image to stretch quickly and as it should be.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Programming Experience
Im have a form and an image. Imagine the form's backcolor to be black and the image to be a landscape. When you resize the form the image is also resized and streched towars all directions. The point is that as you resize the form the image delays to be resized so the background which is black is showed. How can i fix that? It looks very unproffesional.
Generally using a background image for form doesn't perform well. The larger the image the worse is the effect. Try resizing the image to a size close to the size of the form (or screen if need be), and also use a format like jpg or png rather than bmp. For jpg lower the compression if possible, for example quality 80. For png lower if possible bit depth to 24, removing the 32bit transparency dimension. Take notice of the file size, it should be KB rather than MB. Taking these precautions will allow for a lot faster processing of the graphics during all paint operations.
After doing this setting the forms DoubleBuffered property to True may help also.