Question How Can I create a Custom TextBox


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Programming Experience
hi friends....
I want to create a textbox like Windows XP Calculator's textbox by this conditions:
1-only get numeric format
2-it can get negative value
3-AND MOR IMPORTANT CONDITION : the digits separate by comma (digit Grouping) like Windows XP Calculator's textbox

example of this textbox format :

thanks...but this page is about vb.6 and i want a help or complete explain in
in there is very facilities to do this that i don't know how use FormatNumber function.
anybody can learn me to used of FormatNumber to create a custom Textbox like calculator of win xp?
The code in that thread is not VB6. I should know, given that I wrote it and I've never written a line of VB6 code in my life. Here's a clue from the first post:
Note that the code was written in VB 2008.
As for FormatNumber, that IS a VB6 function. It has been re-implemented in VB.NET but primarily to allow VB6 code to be upgraded smoothly. It should never be used new VB.NET code. In VB.NET you use String.Format or the ToString method of the number itself. So, you have what you wanted and you had it all along. Now I suggest that you actually read the code, which is well-commented, and learn how to make use of it.