how can i contribute?


Apr 18, 2012
Cincinnati, OH
Programming Experience
I am no means a awesome proficiant coder, but i love doing the stuff and learning as much as i can. How can i contribute back to this community. All my questions no mater how lame some one makes the effort to look over my crap to help point me in the right direction. Ive been over to a lot of other sites and there upper echelons are kind of snoppy and rude not to mention most of the code posted is for c and im strungly learning is there anything i could have to offer short of my miserable mistakes, lol i got the thread stick, itll be like that sh** my dad says only zak and probably less funny.
Your 'lame' questions are already a good contribution here - every question (lame or not) that gets attention here can help someone in the future with the same or similar problem.

Beyond that, just continue to learn! If you run into hurdles, there's likely someone here who can help, which in turn helps you learn and perhaps you can pass that knowledge on to future visitors.

Win win all round ;)