how can glossy round buttons be used instead of the normal control buttons


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2007
Programming Experience
I know that these buttons can be created in photoshop but how do i apply them to my form I also know about setting the transparency of a particular color in the form but how do I set the buttons?
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You have to declare your own class, inheriting either Control or, more likely, Button, then set its Region property and perform the appropriate drawing to display your UI.
You have to declare your own class, inheriting either Control or, more likely, Button, then set its Region property and perform the appropriate drawing to display your UI.

Can I have an example of how I can do that please?
I made the button background of this image set the flatstyle property to flat and made the backcolor transparent I have used the bottom portion of this image as normal, but I need to use the a different part of the same image for mouseover and mouse down.
This is what the image looks like

and this is what ive made upto now, I only have to make the mouse over and mouse down to show the required portion of the above image.
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ok what I did is change the button's image align property from BottomCenter to TopCenter
on the button's mouse over event, the lighter image is shown but the location of the button goes down I have used Button1.Location = New Point(New Point(714, 13)) which was the original location of the button but its of no use the button still moves down on mouseover? Is there any way I can keep the image in the same place while changing its alignment?