Highlight event in Datagridview


New member
Jul 11, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi ,

I have a datagridview with names in a grid 2 by 50.

I want to select 3 of the names and I can do this OK (and highlight each of the cells), but here's the problem:
When I mouse-click on the cell, away from the text, the cell gets highlighted in black but the event is not recognised by the code.

This occurs to the left, right, above and below the text.
On a short name, unless leading and trailing spaces are are added, a large area of the cell does not respond.

Of course if I click on the text itself everything works fine.

I have tried various methods to get this to work without success. I can not get a reaction to happen on the black highlight event.

Any clues?

Problem solved

I got the answer from an MSDN Forum. (thanks Ben Rinaca)

I was using the CellContentClick event where I should have been using the CellClick event handler.
The ContentClick does only respond ,as the name suggests, to the text content.
Now it works perfectly.