Hierarchical Data entry interface and storage in Datatable


New member
May 29, 2009
Programming Experience
I have three majormost groups

3.Profit and Loss

And within each of these major groups, I must be able to have one or more subgroups and within each of these subgroups I need one or more subgroups and after the third level, I must have none or more subgroups up to 7 levels of hierarchy. I must thus be able to create a hierarchical grid of records and the data entered in the last level of hierarchy (Debit, Credit etc. ) should be totalled to reflect in their parent groups right up to the first group and these data I must be able to store in a table as such for further analysis. And once this grid is created, I must be able to insert, delete or modify the description of all levels from level 2 onwards and I must be able to drag and drop the last detail level of the hierarchy to any other place and be able to regroup the heads as desired and such regrouping should be appropriately reflected in the data table stored.

I want a suitable interface to be written in any language and an appropriate design of how this data should be stored. Can anyone show me a sample of this type of requirement and any suggestions of any third party tools to incorporate this into a Visual Studio 2008 program with a SQL Server database