Hiding Program


Sep 6, 2013
Programming Experience

I am trying to run my program, but i do not want to see it run the code and watch the processes. Is there a way to not see this at all and see something like a completion bar or nothing at all?
why do you need to hide it wats the point please explain before i trust that you arent planing something evil.
I'm not explaining correctly. The program pulls files and does them in excel with them. I don't want to see it do those things. Is there a way to not see it do all that and maybe see a completion bar instead?
What kind of things does it do in Excel? You really need to be more precise, and possibly post some code to explain what you mean. If you are manipulating data in Excel, you should be able to use the Exce PIA, and tell it to not show up. Just post whatever code you have so we can help you out.
Im not sure here is a code which i guess you could use but if its not what u wanted just tell me :) :

Private Sub Form1_shown
(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
me.showintaskbar = false
ProgressBar1.Value += 1

If ProgressBar1.Value = _
ProgressBar1.Maximum Then
end sub

please explain in more detail so i can give you a code which will be assync with your process
Im not trying to hide the Actual Program rather what it does. Think of it like this,

Sub Function()
does a bunch of excel stuff i dont want to see(How to i hide this process, i rather see a completetion bar)
End Function

I want to see the actual program, i just dont want to see the excel stuff and its work. Maybe a Please Wait box instead or a completion bar. I hope this makes sense.

When you create the ExcelApplication object, what properties are available? Is there a Visible property you could set to false?
The function is .Open("file")

With this function i see the file being opened. I figured out how to not see the excel.

I have

Dim oExcel As Excel.ApplicationClass
Dim oBook As Excel.WorkbookClass
Dim oBooks As Excel.Workbooks
Dim oBooks2 As Excel.Workbooks

'Start Excel and open the workbook.
oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Visible = False
oBooks = oExcel.Workbooks
oBooks2 = oExcel.Workbooks

oBook = oBooks.Open("BLAH")

How do i not see the process of opening the file now?
The function is .Open("file")

With this function i see the file being opened. I figured out how to not see the excel.

I have

Dim oExcel As Excel.ApplicationClass
Dim oBook As Excel.WorkbookClass
Dim oBooks As Excel.Workbooks
Dim oBooks2 As Excel.Workbooks

'Start Excel and open the workbook.
oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Visible = False
oBooks = oExcel.Workbooks
oBooks2 = oExcel.Workbooks

oBook = oBooks.Open("BLAH")

How do i not see the process of opening the file now?
You have yet to answer the question I asked, what properties are available?
So far you've mentioned the Open() function, but haven't mentioned what properties are available to you.