Question Hidden Text Boxes - XSD Dataset


New member
May 2, 2008
Programming Experience
I have several Windows forms and they all work fine, but I find that I have an issue with accessing the dataset. I am using a lot of hidden fields to supply values to my procedure from the database as opposed to accessing the dataset directly. While this works, it is unclean and I like to think there is a better way of doing things, can someone lend me a hand?

Also, I have a second form that opens from my main form that filters the dataset, is there a way I can make it refresh the main page and reload the dataset?

I reloaded the dataset (frm.tbladapter.fill()) and refresh the form (frm.refresh) but it does not seem to load the new dataset until I close and reopen the form.


I use this code to set the current image for my record:

Me.msMain.Image = Image.FromFile(Me.TxtPicPathTextBox.Text & Me.TxtPictureIdTextBox.Text)

It seems I should be able to replace the picture path textbox and the picture ID text box with elements of the data set, as the text boxes are databound text boxes with the data elements that I need.
