help with tablelayoutview


Apr 7, 2008
Programming Experience
hi there, i have running a tablelayout and things are running and work quite well
but i have a problem with text length not fitting into boxes, I.E a telephone number like 000000 / 0000000 will only show 000000 / 00

I like the way that the dataset would let the text be selectable for copying and will also fill the text even if you cant see it, my code is below can someone please guide me as to how i would accomplish the dataset look without actually using a dataset.

many thanks

Private Sub tabClients_Enter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tabClients.Enter

        conn = New MySqlConnection()
        conn.ConnectionString = My.Settings.mysqlconn

        Catch ex As MySqlException
            MessageBox.Show("Database Error: " & ex.Message)
        End Try

        mysqlstring = "SELECT clientid, business, COALESCE(contact,' ' ) AS contact, COALESCE(ln3,' ' ) AS ln3, COALESCE(telephone, ' ') AS telephone, COALESCE(mobile, ' ') AS mobile FROM clients ORDER BY business"

        myCommand.Connection = conn
        myCommand.CommandText = mysqlstring

        myadapter.SelectCommand = myCommand
        mydata = myCommand.ExecuteReader()


        Dim mycount As New Dbase
        Dim myRows As Integer = mycount.clientcount()

        tblClients.AutoSize = True
        tblClients.Width = 825
        tblClients.Height = 10 * myRows
        tblClients.BackColor = Color.White
        tblClients.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Single

        ReDim lbusiness(myRows)
        ReDim lcontact(myRows)
        ReDim llocation(myRows)
        ReDim ltelephone(myRows)
        ReDim lmobile(myRows)
        ReDim mybutton(myRows)

        Dim i As Integer = 0

        While mydata.Read
            i = i + 1

            lbusiness(i) = New Label
            lcontact(i) = New Label
            llocation(i) = New Label
            ltelephone(i) = New Label
            lmobile(i) = New Label
            mybutton(i) = New Button

            lbusiness(i).AutoSize = True
            lcontact(i).AutoSize = True
            llocation(i).AutoSize = True
            ltelephone(i).AutoSize = True
            lmobile(i).AutoSize = True
            mybutton(i).AutoSize = True

            tblClients.RowStyles.Add(New RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize))

            lbusiness(i).Name = "lblbusiness" & i
            lcontact(i).Name = "lblcontact" & i
            llocation(i).Name = "lbllocation" & i
            ltelephone(i).Name = "lbltelephone" & i
            lmobile(i).Name = "lblmobile" & i

            lbusiness(i).Font = New Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Regular)
            lcontact(i).Font = New Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Regular)
            llocation(i).Font = New Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Regular)
            ltelephone(i).Font = New Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Regular)
            lmobile(i).Font = New Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Regular)

            lbusiness(i).Text = mydata.GetValue(mydata.GetOrdinal("business"))
            lcontact(i).Text = mydata.GetValue(mydata.GetOrdinal("contact"))
            llocation(i).Text = mydata.GetValue(mydata.GetOrdinal("ln3"))
            ltelephone(i).Text = mydata.GetValue(mydata.GetOrdinal("telephone"))
            lmobile(i).Text = mydata.GetValue(mydata.GetOrdinal("mobile"))

            'lbusiness(i).Tag = i
            tblClients.Controls.Add(lbusiness(i), 0, i)
            tblClients.Controls.Add(lcontact(i), 1, i)
            tblClients.Controls.Add(llocation(i), 2, i)
            tblClients.Controls.Add(ltelephone(i), 3, i)
            tblClients.Controls.Add(lmobile(i), 4, i)

            mybutton(i).Text = "View / Edit details"
            mybutton(i).Tag = mydata.GetValue(mydata.GetOrdinal("clientid"))
            mybutton(i).Name = "view" & i

            AddHandler mybutton(i).Click, AddressOf clientView

            tblClients.Controls.Add(mybutton(i), 5, i)

        End While


    End Sub
Okay i have fixed the width problem

so just one thing and that is to make it so they can select the text in a column
with double click and then right click and choose copy ?????

much appreciated thanks
How did you fixed the width problem?
Sorry the fix was with the value ColumnStyle

as below:

tblClients.RowStyles.Add(New RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize))
tblClients.ColumnStyles.Add(New ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize))

the row styles one gets rid of the problems where there seems to be only 1 row, when there is actaually one row on-top of another.

I must also point out that i have:

tblClients.AutoSize = True
        tblClients.Width = 825
        tblClients.Height = 10 * myRows

to also deal with any formating issues:

So that explained if anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated :)