Help with property grid and collections


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2008
Programming Experience
I have a collection of custom objects:

The object is like such:

Public Class CustomObject
Implements ICloneable
Public ChangeID As String
Public Value As Integer
<...clone function..>
End Class

I want the data grid to look like this:

| Some text here | Value of the first custom object in collection|
| Some text here | Value of the second custom object in collection|
| Some text here | Value of the third custom object in collection|

You should be able to change the value.

Right now I can get it so that the objects appear however you have to hit the + button for each object before you can edit its value.

Is there any way to do this?


Edit: I should really look harder before I ask.
I downloaded this Extended Property Grid and it was very easy to do what I wanted. (Unlike the normal grid T_T)

So.. once again I fixed my own problem, anyone else whos using a property grid may want to try it out! Its a lot simpler imo.
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