Question Help with if then


New member
Oct 8, 2010
Programming Experience
I have this ToolStripComboBox1.Items.Add("http://" & ToolStripComboBox1.Text)

But, i want it so that if the person has typed http:// in the all it will add to the file is ToolStripComboBox1.Text

Any way of doing this?
You don't have to be a pro to search the web. Once someone tells you what type or method you need to use, you can immediately search for that type or method, collect as much information as you can or as much as you need and then make an attempt to solve the problem using that information. As a .NET developer, the first place you look should always be the MSDN documentation.

string.startswith - MSDN Search

If you can't find what you need or you don't understand what you find, then you can look further afield.

string.startswith - Google Search

If you still can't solve the problem then post back and show us what you've tried and let us know exactly where you're stuck.