Help with app not responding


New member
Apr 4, 2009
Programming Experience
I have a customer who has a .Net 3.5 application that they run from a Windows 2008 Server across the network, the backend is SQL Server 2005 running on Windows 2003.

The problem they have is that when a user enters a new stock entry the window with focus will display " Not Responding" and then after 10 seconds or so will return focus to the user. The time of the window not responding increases as you perform more intensive tasks such as run a stock report.

The problem happens even with one user on the Terminal Server so I dont think the back end SQL Server is under spec.

I have been asked by the MD to help the app developer find the cause of the problem as they are at a loss to what to do.

I will admit I am not a developer, but I am hoping someone here can help me guide the developers as to what is causing the issues. Any help of guidance on where to start looking would be very appreciated.