Help required with printing


Active member
Mar 27, 2006
Programming Experience
I should point out that I am not a programmer, I dabble from time to time and consequently forget how to do anything in between each time....
Any ways here's the rub

I have 6 images called PicImage1, PicImage2 etc etc they are being displayed in in two rows in picboxes on the form. A user might want to print some of the images (up to all 6 in one page)
I have also created 6 checkboxes on the form chkprint1, chkprint2 etc.

If a user decides they want to print image 1, 3 and 5 they will tick the relevant boxes then they will click on the Print button that I have also put on the form. (BtnPrint)

It's the next bit I need help with...

I want to see the images on the page (2 across, 3 down). The images are also to have overlayed on them the filename and printdate in yellow text.

I have been trying for ages and keep getting stuck.
People have tried before to give me hints but I really am a bit clueless on this printing stuff. (rubbish at maths at school)

Can anyone help me?
