Question Help needed in modyfing my code


New member
Jul 30, 2009
Programming Experience
I am a beginner in and I have problem with my code which I do not know how to modify. Any assistance will be highly appreciated.

Here´s the case:
The code that I have wrote calculates the taxation of a service for a specific year. E.g. If we would like to calculate the tax for year 2000 and the management contract commenced on 1/1/2000 and the management contract expired on 31/12/2002, the code calculates the tax for years 2000-2002. I would like to modify the code to calculate the tax from 1/1/2000 until 31/12/2000 eventhough the contract expires in 2002 since the year for tax calculation is 2000. How do i do that?

Here´s the code:
<%@ Page Language="VB" EnableEventValidation="true" %>

<script runat="server">
Private strParam1 As String = ""
Private intYear As Integer = Year(DateTime.Now) - 1

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

If Page.IsPostBack = False Then
ddlTaxYear.SelectedIndex = ddlTaxYear.Items.IndexOf(ddlTaxYear.Items.FindByValue(intYear))
ddlFromYear.SelectedIndex = ddlFromYear.Items.IndexOf(ddlFromYear.Items.FindByValue(intYear))
ddlToYear.SelectedIndex = ddlToYear.Items.IndexOf(ddlToYear.Items.FindByValue(intYear))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End If

End Sub

Protected Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

If ValidateFields() = True Then
End If

End Sub

Private Function ValidateFields() As Boolean
Dim ret As Boolean = True

lblError1.Text = ""
lblError2.Text = ""
lblError3.Text = ""
lblError4.Text = ""

lblResult.Text = ""

If txtYearLaid.Text.Trim = "" Then
lblError1.Text = " * Required Field"
Return False
End If

If IsNumeric(txtYearLaid.Text.Trim) = False Then
lblError1.Text = " * Invalid Year"
Return False
End If

If CInt(txtYearLaid.Text.Trim) < 1900 Or CInt(txtYearLaid.Text.Trim) > 2015 Then
lblError1.Text = " * Year must be between 1900 and 2015"
Return False
End If

If txtTonnage.Text.Trim = "" Then
lblError2.Text = " * Required Field"
Return False
End If

If IsNumeric(txtTonnage.Text.Trim) = False Then
lblError2.Text = " * Invalid Gross Tonnage"
Return False
End If

Dim strDateFrom As String = ddlFromDay.SelectedItem.Value & "-" & ddlFromMonth.SelectedItem.Text & "-" & ddlFromYear.SelectedItem.Value
Dim strDateTo As String = ddlToDay.SelectedItem.Value & "-" & ddlToMonth.SelectedItem.Text & "-" & ddlToYear.SelectedItem.Value

If IsDate(strDateFrom) = False Then
lblError3.Text = " * Invalid Date"
Return False
End If

If IsDate(strDateTo) = False Then
lblError4.Text = " * Invalid Date"
Return False
End If

If CDate(strDateFrom) > CDate(strDateTo) Then
lblError4.Text = " * From Date Field cannot be greater than the To Date Field"
Return False
End If

Return True

End Function

Protected Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub

Private Sub CalculateTonnageTax()

Dim dtDateFrom As Date = CDate(ddlFromDay.SelectedItem.Value & "-" & ddlFromMonth.SelectedItem.Text & "-" & ddlFromYear.SelectedItem.Value)
Dim dtDateTo As Date = CDate(ddlToDay.SelectedItem.Value & "-" & ddlToMonth.SelectedItem.Text & "-" & ddlToYear.SelectedItem.Value)

Dim dblTonnage As Double = txtTonnage.Text
Dim intTaxYear As Integer = ddlTaxYear.SelectedItem.Value
Dim intYearLaid As Integer = CInt(txtYearLaid.Text)

Dim intAge As Integer = intTaxYear - intYearLaid
Dim intDayDiff As Integer = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, dtDateFrom, dtDateTo)
Dim intMonthDiff As Integer = DateDiff(DateInterval.Month, dtDateFrom, dtDateTo) + 1

Dim dblTax As Double = 0

If dblTonnage <= 1600 Then
dblTax = dblTonnage * 0.444236
ElseIf dblTonnage <= 10000 Then
dblTax = (1600 * 0.444236) + ((dblTonnage - 1600) * 0.273376)
ElseIf dblTonnage <= 50000 Then
dblTax = (1600 * 0.444236) + (8400 * 0.273376) + ((dblTonnage - 10000) * 0.102516)
dblTax = (1600 * 0.444236) + (8400 * 0.273376) + (40000 * 0.102516) + ((dblTonnage - 50000) * 0.068344)
End If

dblTax = dblTax + 170.86

If intAge <= 10 Then
dblTax = dblTax * 0.75
ElseIf intAge <= 20 Then
dblTax = dblTax * 1.0
dblTax = dblTax * 1.3
End If

If (intMonthDiff <= 1) And (intDayDiff <= 30) Then
'dblTax = 0
intMonthDiff = 0
End If

dblTax = (dblTax * 0.25) * (intMonthDiff / 12)

If rblShipType.SelectedItem.Value = "ship" Then
dblTax = dblTax * 2
End If

lblResult.Text = "Calculated Tax is: €" & dblTax.ToString("#,###.00")

End Sub

Protected Sub ddlFromDay_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

End Sub

Thanking you in advance.
First off this is so posting in the section would be the ideal place for it, I've taken the liberty of moving it for you.

Secondly, why isn't all that Vb.Net code in the code behind file? Typically that's where you'd put it, it makes for deployment much easier.

Third, how about using the [code] [/code] tags so it's much easier to read.
JuggaloBrotha many thanks for taking the liberty of moving my query to the appropriate section and thanks for your remarks/indications. However, I did not quite understand what you mean by putting the code in the code behind file. Also, can you by any chance help me with my query? Thanks once again.