Help me please, How to Upload Excel file in sql2000 with
i want to import/ upload my excel'files to sql2000 , i have one button to browse
Private Sub Browse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Open File"
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "file Excel| *.xls|file text|*.txt"
OpenFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2 '
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim read As New StreamReader(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
TextBox2.Text = read.ReadToEnd
End If
and how about the upload button
i try to tes the excel file in to textfield but i see just !!!
but if i open the .txt file, it's ok
Help me please....Thank you
i want to import/ upload my excel'files to sql2000 , i have one button to browse
Private Sub Browse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Open File"
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "file Excel| *.xls|file text|*.txt"
OpenFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2 '
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim read As New StreamReader(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
TextBox2.Text = read.ReadToEnd
End If
and how about the upload button
i try to tes the excel file in to textfield but i see just !!!
but if i open the .txt file, it's ok
Help me please....Thank you