Help me add icons!!!


New member
May 22, 2011
Programming Experience
well i convert a certain image to an icon file and when i upload it its just a white rectangle in the corner of my app instead of the actual icon???
Is it possible for you to upload the icon?
i found i had the same problem with my app when i was trying to convert an icon but then comes the problem of having the white backgroubnd picture, if you want email me the p[icture your looking to to be made into an icon and i can do it with photoshop that way you can have only the icon il show u an example
the image on the left is a bit cramped as it is the icon that shows on the top left corner of the application.
but the image on the right is the icon that shows on the task bar which is much better looking. as u can see it has the transparnt background.
if you use an image converter you will end up having either a white block or what ever colour is in the backround of the orginal image
Image Logo.png
if i had an image converter it would show up like this in the taskbar