HELP! lost all my files!


Jan 2, 2009
Programming Experience
I don't know how this happened, but ironically i was backing up my project when half way through the paste i got an error message from windows saying "cannot read from source file or disk". Afterwards I closed visual studio and it asked if i wanted to save changes to my project. Not having made any serious changes I said no just in case it screwed something up. Bottom line is I have lost all the .vb files.

Ive still got the project file and .vbproj for some unknown reason and I can open it, but when I try to build it gives errors for every missing file. I can run using last successful build and everything works perfectly but my code is nowhere to be seen. Anybody have a clue how I can recover the lost work??

Please help, Ive lost several days of stuff
Are you sure you didn't move the files to the destination rather than copy them?

If the code files really are lost then the only way I can think of to recover the code would be to use .NET Reflector (a free download) to decompile your EXE and/or DLL files. The code it produces may not be exactly the same as the original but it will be pretty close.
Why were you using VS to backup the project in the first place?
I could be wrong but I'm guessing that VS was just open while the operation was being performed, which is itself a bad idea. Computer systems are not perfect and you should always minimise the chance of issues occurring. You certainly shouldn't be using VS to edit a project while the same project is being copied so there's no need to have it open.
I could be wrong but I'm guessing that VS was just open while the operation was being performed, which is itself a bad idea. Computer systems are not perfect and you should always minimise the chance of issues occurring. You certainly shouldn't be using VS to edit a project while the same project is being copied so there's no need to have it open.

Absolutely, it was a mistake to do so, I guess I wasn't concentrating.

the only way I can think of to recover the code would be to use .NET Reflector (a free download) to decompile your EXE and/or DLL files. The code it produces may not be exactly the same as the original but it will be pretty close.

Ah now that sounds great. To be honest even if I can just read most the old code approximately then that would be an enormous help... otherwise I gotta figure it all out again from memory.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion