Help in a prject!


New member
Dec 12, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi you guys,
My friend is taking an intro to Visual Basic class, and he has to submit a project very soon. Right now he is in a volunteer trip in Vietnam, and had forgotten about his project. He truly needs it, he says he has done really well in the class but itll make a tremendous difference. He doesnt have Visual Basic over there obviously, and told me that he d never be able to get an extension. I will log in later with his account and upload it. he told me to check how to do a "gui" on a book i just bought, and thats what im doing, but that i have to somehow get the code.

im wondering if you guys can help me, seriously, hes a very nice person and id hate to see him take such a bad step.

he told me that hes doing an application that gives you carpet prices, you have to do multiplication of the width times the length of the floor by the price/ sq ft of the carpet. for instance, if you have 100 sq ft, that would cost 800 dollars if each sq ft was 8 dollars.

he needs to make a class called "rectangle" that has the width length and area as singles.

he said that an onlyread property should be given to the area, and that he had to provide a "method called calcarea" that calculates width times length and saves the result in the area property.

he also has to create a class named carpet with the properties of color (as string) style ( as style) and price (as a decimal)

any kind of help would be immensely appreciated!

he really needs it for tomorrow :S