Help: creating a backup file using xml


Apr 11, 2008
Programming Experience
I have been working on a medium scale program for the nds-scene for some time now. I had the first version completed and was created in 2003 and working perfectly. I am now in the process of updating the program to .net 2.0 and am using vs 2005. The old version had a backup feature which would backup a listview control to a simple ascii text file.

I am changing the backup file to an xml file now and am using the following code to do so:

' show the export dialog for user to choose a location to save the backup
        Dim export As XmlTextWriter = New XmlTextWriter(dlg_export.FileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
        export.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
        export.Indentation = 4
        export.WriteDocType("HomebrewManagerBackup", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
        export.WriteComment("Created on: " & Now())
        For Each item As ListViewItem In lst_main.Items
            For Each subitem As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem In item.SubItems
                export.WriteElementString("Subitem", subitem.Text)
        export.WriteElementString("MOTD", My.Settings.motd_message)

I am looking to get an output similar to below:

<?xml version=1? encoding=utf-8>
<doctype homebrewmanagerbackup>
<--created on dateandtimehere-->

But i am getting the following error:

Token StartElement in state Epilog would result in an invalid XML document.

This is the first time I am using vb to write xml so there might be something im doing wrong, but from every site or book ive seen around it looks to be correctly codded. I also could not find anything as to this error in regards to xml with vb online anywhere.

- Please help !!!
Maybe you should starting reading about the Xml format first? Xml can only have one root element.
ahh...thank you, an answer none the less...

i didnt even realize that...guess if i wanna do it that way i have to use the fragment feature so that i dont have to conform the xml standards...

thanks for the response even if you werent really trying to help

- cant believe i didnt see that :mad:

Problem is solved, just thought i would post my code snipplets if anyone was interested:

Code to backup listview control
' make sure there is something to backup
        If lst_main.Items.Count <> 0 Or My.Settings.motd_message <> "" Then
            ' show the export dialog for user to choose a location to save the backup
            ' if the user didn't cancel out of the form
            If System.IO.File.Exists(dlg_export.FileName) Then
                ' create an xml document with their filename
                Dim export As XmlTextWriter = New XmlTextWriter(dlg_export.FileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
                export.Formatting = Formatting.Indented ' format is going to be indented
                export.Indentation = 4 ' indenting is going to 4 spaces
                export.WriteDocType("HomebrewManagerBackup", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) ' set the doctype
                export.WriteComment("Created on: " & Now()) ' add a comment with the date
                export.WriteStartElement("Backup") ' begin the element backup
                For Each item As ListViewItem In lst_main.Items ' for each item in the list
                    export.WriteStartElement("Item") ' add an element for that item
                    For Each subitem As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem In item.SubItems ' and for each subitem in that item
                        export.WriteElementString("Subitem", subitem.Text) ' add an element for that subitem
                    export.WriteEndElement() ' end item element
                export.WriteElementString("MOTD", My.Settings.motd_message) ' add the motd to the backup
                export.WriteEndElement() ' end backup (root) element
                ' then close the document and xml writer
            End If
        Else ' nothing to backup let user know
            MsgBox("There is nothing to backup! Please add entries!", vbOKOnly, "Empty Data!")
        End If

Code to import the backed up data into the listview control
' show the import dialog for user to select a file
        ' if user didnt just cancel then
        If System.IO.File.Exists(dlg_import.FileName) Then
            ' first we need to clear out the listview control of all items
            ' open the xml file for reading
            Dim import As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(dlg_import.FileName)
            Dim newitem As New ListViewItem ' create new listview item to add in data
            Dim count As Integer = 0 ' variable for counting subitems
            Do While import.Read() ' while reading the xml file
                If import.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element Then ' if reading an element
                    If import.Name = "Item" Then ' if element is an item
                        ' remove data from the listview item so we can add new item
                        ' and then recreate the item and set the count to zero
                        newitem = Nothing
                        newitem = New ListViewItem
                        count = 0
                    End If
                    If import.Name = "Subitem" Then ' if element is subitem check the count
                        If count = 0 Then ' if count is zero than its the firt subitem
                            ' so we can use the string from the element to set the first column
                            ' of the listviewitem
                            newitem.Text = import.ReadString.ToString
                        Else ' otherwise count isnt zero and it isnt the first subitem
                            ' so simply add the subitem to the collection in the listviewitem
                        End If
                        ' then add to count so we can keep track of subitems
                        count = count + 1
                    End If
                    If import.Name = "MOTD" Then ' if the element is motd
                        ' set the app settings motd variable to the element string
                        My.Settings.motd_message = import.ReadString
                    End If
                ElseIf import.NodeType = XmlNodeType.EndElement Then ' if reading an end element
                    If import.Name = "Item" Then ' and end element is end item
                        ' add the created listviewitem to the listview control
                    End If
                End If
            ' finally close the file
        End If

Example xml file (can have unlimited items and subitems but only 1 motd)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE HomebrewManagerBackup>
<!--Created on: 4/13/2008 6:38:20 PM-->
        <Subitem>download a program here</Subitem>
        <Subitem>gimme the program</Subitem>
        <Subitem>get it from here now</Subitem>
        <Subitem>1.2 Beta</Subitem>
        <Subitem>down get it from here now@</Subitem>
        <Subitem>Paint program for ds foo</Subitem>
        <Subitem>get me here</Subitem>
        <Subitem>again, right here!</Subitem>
        <Subitem>down again, right here!@</Subitem>
        <Subitem>media player for ds</Subitem>
        <Subitem>media now</Subitem>
        <Subitem>get maybe</Subitem>
        <Subitem>down get maybe@</Subitem>
    <MOTD>just gimme something to do!!!

Thanks for the pointing out of my stupid mistake:p