GridView Empty

Sep 2, 2009
Programming Experience
Hey Guys, i am new to all this and very much in need of some advice.

I have constructed a SQL select statement that displays a basic forum structure interface I.E:

Forum Name, Threads and LastPost

But for some reason when i add the SQL statement to the SQLDataSource and then hook the SQLDataSource to a gridview it displays empty.

I have had this working before, but through a serious of individual select statements that use hard coded values which is very ineffeicent.

My SQL select statment as follows:

SELECT TOP (1) ThreadsTable.Subject, MessageTable.Author, MessageTable.Date, TopicTable_1.TopicTableID,

(SELECT Description
FROM TopicTable
WHERE (TopicTableID = @TopicTableID)) AS Description,

FROM TopicTable AS TopicTable_2
WHERE (TopicTableID = @TopicTableID)) AS Forums,

FROM ThreadsTable AS ThreadsTable_1
WHERE (TopicTableID = @TopicTableID)) AS Threads

FROM TopicTable AS TopicTable_1 INNER JOIN
ThreadsTable AS ThreadsTable ON TopicTable_1.TopicTableID = ThreadsTable.TopicTableID

MessageTable ON ThreadsTable.ThreadsTableID = MessageTable.ThreadsTableID

WHERE (TopicTable_1.TopicTableID = @TopicTableID)

ORDER BY MessageTable.Date DESC

I hope this can be rectified and Thanks in advance for the advice given.


Hi kulrom,

Thanks for the reply, When i execute this statement it asks for a TopicTableID value, which i enter a corresponding TopicTableID which returns 1 resultset.

In a production environment i cannot have a select statment for each TopicTableID with hard coded values to display my Forum interface.

So if the above statement can be crafted with "Group by" clause rather than the "WHERE" clause, it would be so much easier.

To be honest my code there is not much, all i did was add the select statment to a SQLDataSource and the SQLDataSource to a gridview, no code because i did it dynamically rather programatically to get it working first.

I am assuming my gridview is empty because i cannot pass the parameter in the QueryString because its just a simple display page.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Kulrom,

I have default value but still returns one resultset, sorry if im confusing things.

My query should produce this, and return all resultsets (Forums AKA Topics).

Forum | Threads | Last Post
Name 5 Date
Desc By
Other row
Other row

I am trying to avoid hard coded values for best practises reasons.


Hi kulrom,

I am using TOP 1, because i am trying to retrieve the top 1 (lastpost) for each row.

i cant use TOP 2 etc... because it does it for all the records and not for related rows.

I am getting very confused, my desired effect is to output all forum names and threads (Which i can do) but its just that last post section where i am trying to acheive top 1 from all tables where the TopicTableID is the same and then output it all.

My select statement works but i am using the WHERE clause and it wont display.

So thats why i thought is there anyway to use a GROUP BY clause.

My forums are succesfull but just cant get that damn statement to work.



P.S thanks for replying
Hi kulrom, i confuse my self.

Ok lets go...scaled down version

Table 1 - TopicTable
TopicTableID (int) - PK
Name (varchar)
Description (varchar)

Table 2 - Threads Table
ThreadsTableID (int) - PK
TopicTableID (int) - FK
Subject (varchar)
Replies (int)
Author (varchar)

Table 3 - MessageTable
MessagesTableID (int) - PK
ThreadsTableID (int) - FK
Author (varchar)
Date (datetime)

I am trying to acheive this output:

Forum-----------Threads------------Last Post

So my Select statement would work with hard coded values but the method is no good.


Hi Kulrom,

Just to let you know as you didnt reply after the last message. Not only does the TOP 1 clause explicitly calls 1 result set, so does sub queries which no book or no one told, this one was about trial and error.

So anyone out there if you use TOP 1 and sub queries, you CANNOT return more than 1 result set, now i know and feel silly.

Thank you Kulrom for all your help, much appreciated, i ended creating my own simple forums, and didnt use any open source software.

I finally finished my project, and it was very long winded, learning from scratch, but i did it.

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