Gridview Ajax?


Active member
Jan 24, 2008
Programming Experience
I have a gridview on a .aspx. The each row in the gridview contains a button. The rows on the page exceed the length of the visible page. The client does not want to use paging. I have applied the ajax update panel to the page. When I scroll down and click a buttun from the gridview row, the page repaginates back to the top of the page. The client would like the page to stay at the row selected. Is this possible?
Just a couple ideas

I suggested to the client possibly using a checkbox with a button at the bottom of the page. The disadvantage of this solution is that the person at the top of the griview that you’re voting for would not be visible.

Another option would be to eliminate the gridview altogether and code some straight up html. This would require additional time for coding, which may not be available.

Any thoughts?