Google Chrome theme


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Programming Experience
Hello there. I've read that google chrome browser was manly written in vstudio c++. anyone know how can i do the form looks like the picture in i'm refering to the tabControl and the transparent form border.:confused: is it GDI+?

The transparent form border (glass effect) is the default window style in Vista. Icons for tabs can be set with ImageList for TabControl and ImageIndex/Key for TabPage. The rounded tabs may be done with DrawMode=OwnerDrawFixed and custom painted - it may also be no Tabcontrol at all, just some painted tabs that control the document area. Combining tabs into titlebar, or more likely no title bar and controlbox into tabcontrol, is more difficult, I have no suggestions for this. I would think there is actually no titlebar and no Tabcontrol, both is probably done using custom controls. If I recall the Vista glass effect can be applied to for example a panel using some API call.
Usually that means handling the Paint event of the control. In some cases there is a property that can be set to enable user paint and specific events where you provide it, for example TabControl has a DrawMode property and a DrawItem event.