Question getting the selected items of a checklistbox into a tring array


Dec 16, 2008
Programming Experience
i have a check list box. i am displaying the course names in that. user can check the courses they want to follow. they are allowed to select maximum of three courses. how can i get the checked course names into a string variable array.

i am planning to update my database by using those string array variables.

plzzz plzzzzzzz help me o this
Please don't do this:
plzzz plzzzzzzz
It's politer, quicker and less annoying just to type "please".

As for the question:
Dim items(Me.CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count - 1) As String

Me.CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems.CopyTo(items, 0)
That assumes that the items in the CheckedListBox are Strings in the first place. If they're not then post back and I'll provide another example.
sorry next time i l b more polite.
ur reply isn't working. i cant get the text of the selected items.
so "Please" help me.
The code I posted works. I know that for a fact. If it's not working for you then you're doing something wrong. As you've chosen not to show us what you're doing or tell us what happens when you do it, I can't tell you what that might be.