generate custom data entry forms


New member
Aug 22, 2006
Programming Experience
I want to write an multi-user application that creates custom data entry forms. I've looked at creating controls on each machine in design time but this is too slow as some of the forms are quite large spanning several tabs.
I'm thinking about trying to build the form on the server then save it as a Assembly an distribute the assembly to the other machines..
Any ideas about how I could go about this?
Any other ideas I’ve thought about possibly using a 3rd party perhaps Adobe Forms.. any other ideas?
Any help would be much appreciated!

Im probably not much help but I'd like to share some thoughts.

Are you talking about writting one program that can present multiple

input forms? If so then I have some experience with this.
Yes thats what I'm after but the critial thing here is that they need to be user customisable.
I've looked saveing the screen design to an XML file and then when the form loads reading this in to create the controls etc. But unfortunatly this is too slow. Infopath doesn't do this because the form loads allmost instantly.
I've thought about possibly trying to compile a form at runtime but I think this could be overly complicated.
You ideas would be appreciated!!
Its sounds like your ahead of me. I would have suggested XML next.

A little thought..Perhaps you could re-post the question again and
get some better help. The question to me now seems to be
'why does it take so long to create the controls?'.

Im not an expert but it seems like the controls should create
fast enough. I hope someone else can jump in on this.

Good Luck