Gdi+ Animation Loops


Feb 17, 2005
Programming Experience
Hi all I have written an app that draws a line from a startpoint and an
endpoint based on values typed in two textboxes. I placed a airplane at the
beginning of the line and I want to use the timer call and a loop to move the
airplane along the line until it gets to the end in 2 second intervals. Here is what i have so far I am stuck on the loop I cannot figure out how to do it. Thanks in advance for any help.

Public Sub 
btndrawline_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Me.Refresh() 
Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics 
Dim B2 As Image = Image.FromFile("C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\drawmission\drawmission\Resources\b2.gif") 'define text for gdi output 
Dim TOtext As String = "Take Off" Dim LAtext As String = "Land" 'Define font Dim NewFont As New Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel) 
'defines value holder for the takeoff and landing text boxes 
Dim startvalue As New Integer 
Dim endvalue As New Integer 
'sets start and endpoint points 
Dim startpoint As New Point Dim endpoint As New Point 
'sets point value for aircraft 
Dim aircraft As New Point 
'Defines all the points holders 
Dim point1 As New Point 
Dim point2 As New Point 
Dim point3 As New Point 
Dim point4 As New Point 
Dim point5 As New Point 
Dim point6 As New Point 
Dim point7 As New Point 
Dim point8 As New Point 
Dim point9 As New Point 
Dim point10 As New Point 
Dim point11 As New Point 
Dim point12 As New Point 
Dim point13 As New Point 
Dim point14 As New Point 
Dim point15 As New Point 
Dim point16 As New Point 
Dim point17 As New Point 
Dim point18 As New Point 
Dim point19 As New Point 
Dim point20 As New Point 
Dim point21 As New Point 
Dim point22 As New Point 
Dim point23 As New Point 
Dim point24 As New Point 
'Clears previous data and redraws new line 
'set takeoff and landing text box to a value for the line 
startvalue = Me.takeofftime.Text 
endvalue = Me.LandTime.Text 
'Define All start Point Ints 
point12.X = 10 
point12.Y = 100 
point13.X = 40 
point13.Y = 100 
point14.X = 70 
point14.Y = 100 
point15.X = 100 
point15.Y = 100 
point16.X = 130 
point16.Y = 100 
point17.X = 160 
point17.Y = 100 
point18.X = 190 
point18.Y = 100 
point19.X = 220 
point19.Y = 100 
point20.X = 250 
point20.Y = 100 
point21.X = 280 
point21.Y = 100 
point22.X = 310 
point22.Y = 100 
point23.X = 340 
point23.Y = 100 
point24.X = 370 
point24.Y = 100 
point1.X = 400 
point1.Y = 100 
point2.X = 430 
point2.Y = 100 
point3.X = 460 
point3.Y = 100 
point4.X = 490 
point4.Y = 100 
point5.X = 520 
point5.Y = 100 
point6.X = 550 
point6.Y = 100 
point7.X = 580 
point7.Y = 100 
point8.X = 610 
point8.Y = 100 
point9.X = 640 
point9.Y = 100 
point10.X = 670 
point10.Y = 100 
point11.X = 700 
point11.Y = 100 
'assign values to startpoint 
Select Case startvalue 
Case 1200 To 1259 
startpoint = point12 
Case 1300 To 1359 
startpoint = point13 
Case 1400 To 1459 
startpoint = point14
Case 1500 To 1559 
startpoint = point15 
Case 1600 To 1659 
startpoint = point16 
Case 1700 To 1759 
startpoint = point17 
Case 1800 To 1859 
startpoint = point18 
Case 1900 To 1959 
startpoint = point19 
Case 2000 To 2059 
startpoint = point20 
Case 2100 To 2159 
startpoint = point21 
Case 2200 To 2259 
startpoint = point22 
Case 2300 To 2359 
startpoint = point23 
Case 0 To 59 
startpoint = point24 
Case 100 To 159 
startpoint = point1
Case 200 To 259 
startpoint = point2 
Case 300 To 359 
startpoint = point3 
Case 400 To 459 
startpoint = point4 
Case 500 To 559 
startpoint = point5 
Case 600 To 659 
startpoint = point6 
Case 700 To 759 
startpoint = point7 
Case 800 To 859 
startpoint = point8 
Case 900 To 959 
startpoint = point9 
Case 1000 To 1059 
startpoint = point10 
Case 1100 To 1159 
startpoint = point11 
End Select 
'Assigns value to endpoint 
Select Case endvalue 
Case 1200 To 1259
endpoint = point12 
Case 1300 To 1359 
endpoint = point13 
Case 1400 To 1459 
endpoint = point14 
Case 1500 To 1559 
endpoint = point15 
Case 1600 To 1659 
endpoint = point16 
Case 1700 To 1759 
endpoint = point17 
Case 1800 To 1859 
endpoint = point18 
Case 1900 To 1959 
endpoint = point19 
Case 2000 To 2059 
endpoint = point20 
Case 2100 To 2159 
endpoint = point21 
Case 2200 To 2259 
endpoint = point22 
Case 2300 To 2359 
endpoint = point23 
Case 0 To 59 
endpoint = point24
Case 100 To 159 
endpoint = point1 
Case 200 To 259 
endpoint = point2 
Case 300 To 359 
endpoint = point3 
Case 400 To 459 
endpoint = point4 
Case 500 To 559 
endpoint = point5 
Case 600 To 659 
endpoint = point6 
Case 700 To 759 
endpoint = point7 
Case 800 To 859 
endpoint = point8 
Case 900 To 959 
endpoint = point9 
Case 1000 To 1059 
endpoint = point10 
Case 1100 To 1159 
endpoint = point11 
End Select 
'Draw box for flight graphic 
g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Black, 5), 8, 70, 345, 90) 
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 8, 70, 345, 90) 
'Draws line for takeoff to landing 
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue, 3), startpoint, endpoint) 
'Draw Start and end lines 
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black, 1), startpoint, (startpoint - New Point(0, 10))) 
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black, 1), endpoint, (endpoint - New Point(0, 10))) 
'Add Text To the plot 
g.DrawString(TOtext, NewFont, Brushes.Black, startpoint - (New Point(0, 15))) 
g.DrawString(LAtext, NewFont, Brushes.Black, endpoint - (New Point(30, 15))) 
'Move Aircraft along the line every 2 seconds g.DrawImage(B2, startpoint - New Point(0, -5))
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